Natural Family Planning International, Inc. (NFPI)
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Natural Family Planning International provides high quality and low cost instruction about Natural Family Planning in the context of Christian discipleship and the moral teaching of the Catholic Church. "Natural Family Planning" includes both ecological breastfeeding and systematic natural family planning. This not-for profit organization was started in 2004 by John and Sheila Kippley on the basis of their 33 years of experience in teaching and writing about natural family planning. Via the internet NFPI makes NFP instruction available all throughout the world.

The executive director is Stephen Craig. He and his wife, Ann, have taught NFP with the Kippleys for more than 20 years.

The educational philosophy of this NFP organization is that engaged and married couples have a right to make well informed decisions about ecological breastfeeding and systematic NFP. Since a person can choose only what he or she knows, couples need sufficient information about these subjects. For example, only by learning the Seven Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding can they choose to adopt this form of child care-or not to. Only by learning about the several signs of fertility can they choose which ones they want to use.

NFPI Instruction is available in face-to-face courses taught by trained NFP teachers and also through the NFPI Home Study Course that is conducted with personal attention via email. The NFPI manual, Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach, is used in both types of instruction.

The NFPI website contains much material of interest to students and others doing research in the field of NFP and related health and moral issues.