Natural Family Planning International, Inc. (NFPI)
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The Question Box

This started as Frequently Asked Questions, but we found very few such questions. First, both kinds of natural family planning (NFP)-ecological breastfeeding and systematic NFP-are relatively simple to understand. Second, our online manual - Natural Family Planning: The Question-Answer Book answers the common questions.

The more interesting questions are not very frequent but still can be helpful. Sometimes they serve to highlight an issue or problem that might not occur to the average NFP couple. Some of them stem from experience, others from reflection. Some are more comments than questions. Some responses are a matter of general information. Some are a matter of opinion. Where our response is written in the first person singular, initials identify the writer. JFK = John Kippley; SK = Sheila Kippley.

Thus far, we have the following categories of subjects.

Breastfeeding and Parenting

Effectiveness of NFP

The Menstrual Cycle

Method Related

