Archive for August, 2020

Natural Family Planning and the Importance of Breastfeeding

Sunday, August 9th, 2020

One of the best ways to space the birth of your children is with ecological breastfeeding.  However mothers cannot space their babies if they do not have the right breastfeeding  information and support.

During World Breastfeeding Week the WHO and UNICEF called for governments to support breastfeeding.  Why?  Because breastfeeding is the healthiest choice for babies and mothers.  This natural process protects infants from deadly diseases, especially in the first 6 months of life.  Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of ovarian and breast cancer in women.

Most importantly, 820,000 children’s lives would be saved every year by increasing the rates of breastfeeding.  In 2017 only 40% of children younger than six months are fed breast milk exclusively, and only 23 countries had breastfeeding rates above 60%.

The main emphasis of the report was to stress the importance of breastfeeding services and support to ensure women and children can benefit from breastfeeding.  The recommendation is that babies be breastfed exclusively at least for their first six months, then have a diet of breast milk and other food until they are two years old.

Sheila Kippley

7. Natural Family Planning: Promotion of Ecological Breastfeeding

Friday, August 7th, 2020

Articles and Blog Posts continued

Can You Use NFP While Breastfeeding? (Guiding Star Project)

The Lactational Amenorrhea Method vs. Ecological Breastfeeding

Ecological Breastfeeding by Sheila Kippley (Physicians For Life)

A Bit More on Ecological Breastfeeding

Pope Francis’ Encyclical: A Significant Omission on Breastfeeding By Sheila Kippley

Ecological Breastfeeding Book Review

Ecological Breastfeeding: The Secret Weapon of Natural Family Planning

The Ecology of Natural Mothering: Classic Edition of Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing Is With Us Again by Pamela Pilch

One Doula: Book Review

Breastfeeding as Birth Control (author is Catholic)

I thank Catholic Mothers Nursing League for giving me permission to publish their list for information and support for practicing Ecological Breastfeeding.
For the complete list go to
Sheila Kippley


6. Natural Family Planning: Promotion of Ecological Breastfeeding

Thursday, August 6th, 2020

Articles and Blog Posts continued

The Difference Between the Lactational Amenorrhea Method and Ecological Breastfeeding

Ecological Breastfeeding Makes Breastfeeding Easier, Spaces Babies

The Benefits of Ecological Breastfeeding for Child Spacing

On Toddler Weaning and How Ecological Breastfeeding Suppresses Fertility

Spacing Children Without NFP

Ecological Breastfeeding: What It Is and Why Some Mamas are Doing It

Ecological Breastfeeding: Is It Right For You?

Breastfeeding: Does It Really Space Babies?

What Every Priest Should Know About Ecological Breastfeeding by John Kippley

For the complete list go to